Thursday, October 4, 2007

Motivating yourself to lose weight and feel great

"To establish true self-esteem we must concentrate on our successes
and forget about the failures and the negatives in our lives."
--Denis Waitley--

Lack of motivation truly comes from a lack of self-esteem. How many
of us everyday are living up to our full potential? How many of us
even have an inkling of what our full potential is? The answer sadly
is very few.

A very big reason for this is that many of us have little if any
self-esteem. The lack of self-esteem leads directly to a lack of
motivation. How can we be motivated if we either think we can't do
something or feel that it is not even worth trying because it won't
make a difference. We may feel beaten down, always remembering the
times we didn't try, or reliving the times we did try but failed.
Forgetting all about the successes we have had in our lives.

Realize that you aren't a failure. That you don't have to live up to
anyone else's false standards. You set the standards that you are
judged by. How are u progressing in your life, are you headed in the
direction that you want to go? Set attainable goals and when u reach
them realize that you are making a change for the better.

Let's say you have a main goal of losing 100lbs, that isn't going to
happen in a day, set goals of losing a few pounds every week and
before you know it you will be halfway there.

Not only that but you will feel better about yourself, your life will
improve on every level. The way you feel about yourself also affects
the relationships you have with other people. When you improve the
core part of yourself all of the other pieces will fall into place.
This not only has to do with losing weight but can be applied to any
part of your life.

Think about what you have done well in your life, what you have
succeeded at. And turn your thoughts to what you want to become, to who you envision yourself to be, and through a series of steps you will climb that mountain becoming more motivated and confident with every step.

Matt Klay is an author of articles dealing with both traditional and non traditional approaches to your health. You may view his articles at

As Featured On Ezine Articles

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Weight Loss Tips You Can Use Right Away

Obesity has become an epidemic in the world today. Our poor diets and poor exercise habits are really taking their toll on our bodies and waistlines. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Just by making a few changes in your life, you can lose weight and keep it off. Read on to discover a few very valuable weight loss tips. These tips may be the key to changing your life forever!

The very first weight loss tip that I am going to share with you is so simple that anyone can implement this one right away. Slow down. Instead of shoveling the food into your mouth and finishing your meal in just a few minutes, slow it down. Chew each bite thoroughly, savoring the taste of the food. Watch the clock and make it a point to have your meal last for at least 15 minutes. The longer it takes you to eat a meal, the more time your stomach will have to signal the brain that you are getting full. Try this at your next meal.

The next weight loss tip is to stop eating before you are full. I don’t mean to still feel hungry, just stop when you start to feel satisfied. We all have the tendency to want to clean our plates. No doubt, this comes from hearing our mothers tell us time and time again how horrible it was to waste food. But now I am telling you to not mind the voice of your mother or grandmother and don’t clean your plate. When you start getting that satisfied feeling, push away from your plate. Get up and walk away or take your plate into the kitchen. Do whatever it takes to keep you from being tempted to clean your plate.

Another great weight loss tip is to snack between meals. Eating a healthy snack in between your meals will help increase your metabolism to burn more calories and will also keep you from feeling hungry. Drink a glass of water with your healthy snack for maximum weight loss.

The last weight loss tip that I am going to share with you is often the hardest weight loss tip to implement. Get more exercise. It doesn’t have to be a workout that leaves you out of breath and sweating profusely. Just take a walk each day. Walking is the best form of exercise you can do and it requires no special equipment. Walking just 30 minutes each day can really make a huge difference in your weight loss.

If you are overweight, it’s time to get serious about getting that weight off. Follow these great weight loss tips and look for more. Take it one day at time and stay dedicated. It took time for you to put on those extra pounds. It’s going to take some time to get them off.

Lucinda is a registered nurse and freelance copywriter. If you want to learn about how to lose weight quickly and easily check out this site at

How To Remove Belly Fat - Five Tips To Get You Started

Like everyone, you want to look young and healthy. No one wants to carry on the extra weight. Weight loss is not as hard as some may believe. Here are five simple steps that you can try out for yourself.

1. Eat Fruits And Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are essential because they contain very vital nutrients. You also can eat as many as you want since they are low in calories.

2. No More Junk Food

Junk food must be out of your eating plan at all costs. Anything with salt, fat and chemicals will indeed do harm to your body. There are lots of foods that are trans fats that make you gain weight at a rapid paste.

3. Stop Skipping Meals

Whatever you do, don’t let yourself go hungry. This will lower the sugar in your blood and ultimately making you feel somewhat bad about yourself. Eating six smaller meals is suggested because it will increase your metabolism

4. Exercise

Exercising helps you burn calories and gives you energy through out your day. If you just exercise for 30 minutes a day for 3 days a week it will be plenty to keep your endorphins active and help you lose weight.

5. Drink Water

Soft drinks have a lot of sugar thus making it loaded with tons of calories. In order to lose weight you must stay away from these caloric drinks.

Above are five terrific tips that can help you when starting out in losing weight. If you apply these tips they will certainly do their job. Remember, only one person can control if you lose weight or not and that person is you.

Max Whitson began involved in learning about weight loss at the youthful age of 15. Now, Whitson is a weight loss guru and has helped hundreds of people lose weight safely and effectively.

For more information, visit

Herbs To Boost Metabolism

Herbs and, more recently, supplements have always been cherished as a simple way to boost the metabolism or slow it down. People often get confused over what is meant by boosting or slowing down the metabolism but in most cases the desired result is to lose weight. Boosting the metabolism will mean that your metabolism uses more calories so the pounds won't pile on. Slowing the metabolism means that the body doesn't need as many calories so the person won't eat as much. In both cases they hope to lose or at least stabilize their weight. This article will discuss herbs that boost metabolism or slow it down in this context.

The current wonder supplement that doesn't so much boost the metabolism but convinces the brain that the body is not hungry is hoodia gordonii. The active ingredient is called P57 and it is sourced from the hoodia cactus plant native to Southern Africa. It was initially used by Bushmen tribes in the Kalahari desert as an appetite suppressant. There have been many reports on the plant and much anecdotal evidence suggest that it is effective in suppressing appetite with no side effects. Much hype has created products that claim to use hoodia gordonii but in fact have little or no P57 in the product. It seems to work but only if you are using the genuine article.

Green tea is also touted as a weight loss herb. It is known to increase the metabolism because it has polyphenols (epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG). This substance is thought to increase the amount of energy that the body needs to process food and increases fat oxidization. Green tea contains caffeine that is also touted as a weight loss supplement but has side effects if taken too much.

Another herb that has a large amount of caffeine as it's active ingredient is Guarana. This a plant that is native to Brazil. It is generally regarded as safe according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is thought to curb appetite and can be taken as a powder or capsule form but is more commonly associated with energy drinks.

Speaking of energy drinks, a popular ingredient that is common in these drinks is Taurine. This is an amino acid that has a number of effects on the body. The purpose of Taurine in energy drinks is to decrease muscle fatigue thus giving more energy. Increasing muscle is a good way to increase metabolism. Studies in mice and rats have shown that Taurine can prevent weight gain and decrease blood sugar levels.

Cayenne Pepper has an active ingredient called Capsaicin. This is thought to increase the metabolism of dietary fats and suppress appetite. It can be found in supplement form but is just as easy to use in cooking. It makes food hot in a spicy sense and is used in many popular cuisines throughout the world.

Of course, taking these supplements and herbs won't have a dramatic affect on your weight or metabolism unless your diet is balanced and provides the right amount of calories for your age, sex and physical activity. Exercise is also important in boosting the metabolism and should be taken as often as possible.

Find out more about how to speed up your metabolism at Adrian Whittle writes about food, nutrition and metabolism, including symptoms of slow metabolism.

7 Reasons Why You Should Exercise to Lose Weight

Exercise should be an integral part of a weight loss program. The main focus of exercise is to burn more calories but there are more great reasons that cannot be ignored. Unless you are severely obese or limited to the exercises you can take, you should start exercising if you are not. Here are 7 reasons why you should stay physically active.

#1 Lose Body Fat

This is the most obvious reason. The more active you are, the more calories you will burn. However exercise should be performed in such as way that the body’s fat should be burned for energy. Aim to exercise at least 30 –45 minutes daily for at least 3 times a week at moderate intensity rather than short intense workouts. Studies have shown that the body fat is utilized more if the energy used is at modest intensity. Your body weight will drop if all else including your diet intake is kept constant

#2 Increase Strength

Doing physical or strength exercises do help in building body strength. Strength exercises can help you to lose weight much faster than dieting alone. Besides you will feel to have more strength in doing the daily activities such as gardening and house chores which in turn helps you to lose weight. However, for strength training, remember to start at a level you are comfortable with and slowly work your way up.

#4 Speed Up Metabolism

Aerobic exercises such as walking, cycling and swimming can help to increase your metabolism. It is advisable to incorporate both aerobic and strength exercises for optimal fat burning. Some experts have suggested that morning exercise is the best to keep your metabolic rate up. This will mean more fat burning for the rest of the day.

#5 Decrease Stress

Exercise also reduces stress by releasing feel-good hormones called endorphins. You will feel good and relax after an exercise. The feel-good hormones effect will stay in your body even after you are done with exercising. Walking is therapeutic so is swimming or playing a sport game. Whenever you feel stressed out, go for a game of sport as an exercise. Your mind and body will be at ease whilst your body burns more calories.

#6 Feel Healthier

When you exercise, your heart will beat faster and harder. Exercise improves blood circulation as oxygen is used more efficiently. It lowers high blood pressure that leads to strokes and other health problems such as diabetes and obesity. Endurance exercises such as jogging or running will help in weight loss besides improving the heart, lungs, and circulatory system. Therefore not only exercise helps you to lose weight, you’ll be healthier too.

#7 Gain Confidence

There is no doubt that exercises or physical activities will result in a weight loss for you. The psychological benefits are aplenty as you feel more confident that you have come this far and achieve it. You will feel inspired and motivated and your new confidence will shine through.

Now you know the best reasons why you should exercise for your weight loss. Go ahead and start exercising, it’s for your personal success.

Jessie Mcfarland is your #1 recommended weight loss consultant. Get FREE Insider Access to her opt-in-list, private blog and members-only forum and learn how to lose weight the smart and healthy way at