Thursday, October 4, 2007

Motivating yourself to lose weight and feel great

"To establish true self-esteem we must concentrate on our successes
and forget about the failures and the negatives in our lives."
--Denis Waitley--

Lack of motivation truly comes from a lack of self-esteem. How many
of us everyday are living up to our full potential? How many of us
even have an inkling of what our full potential is? The answer sadly
is very few.

A very big reason for this is that many of us have little if any
self-esteem. The lack of self-esteem leads directly to a lack of
motivation. How can we be motivated if we either think we can't do
something or feel that it is not even worth trying because it won't
make a difference. We may feel beaten down, always remembering the
times we didn't try, or reliving the times we did try but failed.
Forgetting all about the successes we have had in our lives.

Realize that you aren't a failure. That you don't have to live up to
anyone else's false standards. You set the standards that you are
judged by. How are u progressing in your life, are you headed in the
direction that you want to go? Set attainable goals and when u reach
them realize that you are making a change for the better.

Let's say you have a main goal of losing 100lbs, that isn't going to
happen in a day, set goals of losing a few pounds every week and
before you know it you will be halfway there.

Not only that but you will feel better about yourself, your life will
improve on every level. The way you feel about yourself also affects
the relationships you have with other people. When you improve the
core part of yourself all of the other pieces will fall into place.
This not only has to do with losing weight but can be applied to any
part of your life.

Think about what you have done well in your life, what you have
succeeded at. And turn your thoughts to what you want to become, to who you envision yourself to be, and through a series of steps you will climb that mountain becoming more motivated and confident with every step.

Matt Klay is an author of articles dealing with both traditional and non traditional approaches to your health. You may view his articles at

As Featured On Ezine Articles

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